Rabu, 25 Juli 2018


ibu kita Kartini, putri sejati. Putri Indonesia harum namanya. Wahai ibu kita Kartini, putri Indonesia. Sungguh besar cita-citanya bagi Indonesia.
A piece of song lyrics above is certainly familiar to the ears of Indonesia society. This song review tells story of Kartini who fighting against injustice.
Every April 21st in Indonesia is always celebrated as Kartini Day. Not without a reason, April 21 was chosen as Kartini Day because she is an inspiring        figure for everyone.
Thoughts and ideas which he poured on each of his letters to review the struggle for achieve their rights as women. The spirit and the real action at that time became a milestone for women’s movement to get a better life.

Despite Full of Pressure, The Spirit of Learning is Never Extinguished

Raden Ajeng Kartini, born in Jepara, Central Java on 21 April 1879. Is the 5th daughter of the pair Raden Mas Adipati Arios Sosroningrat ie Jepara regent with M.A. Ngasirah. From his siblings, Kartini is the eldest daughter.
Although the daughter of a government official, but it does not make Kartini life like the women of today. Freedom to argue and study is far from wishful thinking.
At that time, women did not have the same rights as men. Women are only considered home people whose job is to cooking, grooming, and birthing. They think women do not deserve to get education like the men.
Although in a state that is not pro for women studying, Kartini still be able to take college. Because her father was a hadmaster of Jepara, Kartini had the opportunity for study at Europeesche Lagere School (elementary school for Europeans). Therefore Kartini can speak dutch well.

On The Pingit When Age 13 Years

Kartini lost her childhood when she had to go through a period of seclusion, just like the Javanese girl of the day. At that time, around the beginning of 1892, Kartini who had just graduated Europeesche Lagere School (elementary school for Europeans) was upset. At the age of 13 years, he has been ordered by his father to undergo seclusion.
Kartini had time to pursue his father, Raden Mas Adipati Ario Sosroningrat, to be allowed to continue school to Hogere Burger School (HBS, high school level) in Semarang. But she get rejection from his father.

Stay Learning Although In “Cage”

Slowly Kartini realizes that despair and rebellion is useless. Her father was so clumsy to ask Kartini to stay at home as well as her sisters. But, Kartini did not lose sense, she spent the seclusion by continuing his passion from childhood, that is reading.
In the “confinement” he devoured the modern books of RM Panji Sosrokartono, his “more fortunate” sibling for continuing school at HBS Semarang until Leiden University, The Netherlands.
Kartini also used her father’s lease box (leestrommel), which contains books, newspapers, and magazines from home and abroad. These social, political, literary and literary readings helped Kartini find answers to her questions over the years.

Opened School For Woman

Traces of Kartini increasingly open resistance when both brother Slamet Sosroningrat and Soelastri left their homes because already married. Not wasting a chance, Kartini began to give her sister Roekmini and Kardinah’s views so they would also struggle to break the tradition that oppresses women.
To her younger siblings, Kartini begins to apply her idea of equality. She called for the release of excessive tradition. Previously, the younger brother should not precede it except by crawling on the ground. Now her sister is allowed to directly run even before him.
But the tradition is still tradition, in which the culture has not been able to be resisted by the women, including Kartini. At the age of 24 years, Kartini forced to marry by her parents with the regent of Rembang K.R.M Duke Ario Singgih Djojo Adhiningrat who has three wives.
The ingratitude of the husband understands the ideals and desires Kartini. That she did not forbid Kartini to build a girls’ school. On that occasion, Kartini began to invite and devote her thoughts to her students. They were taught science and Dutch.

Wrote Letters to Holland

During marriage with K.R.M Duke Ario Singgih Djojo Adhiningrat, Kartini has one child named Soesalit Djojodhiningrat. Unfortunately, four days after giving birth, Kartini died at the age of 25 years.
Although his body was gone, but the whole idea, a dream, and rebellion Kartini thought contained in each letter given to her friends in the Netherlands, like Mr. JH Abendan, Annie Glaser, Stella, Mr. van Kol, etc.
Kartini’s letters set then collated by Mr. JH Abendanon who later became a book entitled “Door Duisternis tot Licht, Gedachten van Kartini”. Collection of Kartini’s letters were still in Dutch language and then translated into Indonesian and entitled “Habis Gelap Terbitlah Terang”.
It has been a century since Kartini left the world, but the greatness of Kartini’s ideals and thoughts is still relevant today. Movement of women’s emancipation is still encouraged to create justice for women. Because women have the right to get a high education, equality of rights, and work for the nation and state.

Minggu, 22 Juli 2018

         Mengapa Saya Memilih SMA 68

Saya memilih SMAN 68 sebagai sekolah saya arena menurut saya SMAN 68 adalah salas satu dari beberapa sekolah unggulan di wilayah Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta. Kemudian yang terlebih penting adalah SMAN 68 memiliki kuota undangan perguruan tinggi negeri yang cukup banyak.Beberapa contoh undanganan masuk perguruan tinga negera seperti universitas indonesia,institut teknologi bandung,dan universitas gajah mada.dikarenakan saya juga ingin mendapatkan undangan ke fakultas kedokteran UI ataupun teknik sipil ITB.

sejujurnya saya masuk SMAN 68 dikarenakan saya memliki kakak di SMAN 68 tepatnya kelas 12 bernama Muhammad Arzan Marzuqi.Saya masuk SMAN 68 agar saya satu sekolah dengan kakak saya dan memudahkan ibu saya mengantar saya dan kakak saya ke sekolah.kemudian saya masuk ke SMAN 68 agar diterima attua mendapatkan undangan ke facultas kedoteran UI.Yang terpenting adalah saya masuk ke SMAN 68 agar bisa meningkatkan daya kompetensi dan kompetisi saya.

Saya  masuk ke SMAN 68 karena reputasi SMAN 68 sudah terkenal bagus dikalangan warga jakarta maupun warga luar jakarta.saya mengetahui SMAN 68 dari teman ibu saya yang kebetulan anaknya bersekolah di SMP 216 yang kemudian melanjutkan jenjang pendidikannya di SMAN 68 jakarta.sekarang saat saya duduk di bank kelas 10 SMA anak teman ibu saya sudan diterima di universitas indonesia jurusan metalurgi.Hal tersebutlah yang memotivasi saya melanjutkan jenjang pendidikan di SMAN 68.

Hal-Hal tersebutlah yang membuat saya melanjutkan jenjang pendidikan di SMAN 68 jakarta.semoga saat di SMAN 68 saya data membanggakan orang tua saya dan berprestasi.tak lupa pula saya meningkatkan ibadah saya dan keimanan saya selama bersekolah di SMAN 68.dan yang terpenting menaati peraturan sekolah dan menjauhi larangannya.